How much is turnover really costing your organization? This corporate dilemma is everywhere and needs a solution that provides you with a faster, reliable, and best-in-class workflow to fit your retention strategy.

This week, we conclude our discussion with Managing Director & Founder of eCubed, Claudio Pineda:

The recruiting processes that analyze personality, skills, and communications have been used widely and successfully for over half a century are nothing new. Yet, the investment associated with these types of tools is usually reserved for high-level executives. Leaving many new entrant hires (51%) as bad hires. FIT by e3 Training’s mission is to democratize the personality assessment for new entrants is groundbreaking by ensuring a cost-effective solution that speeds up finding those essential individuals that will make a difference in your organization for years to come.

When we first started designing the system, it was important to adapt to our client’s workflow and needs. The FIT tool was designed to be modular in nature and customizable to adapt to our client’s growing needs. Let’s track what’s important for your talent acquisition process and deploy it with a customized modular approach.

As the market volatility affects several industries, talent acquisition must adjust to meet mandates and keep pace. FIT manages more applicants and facilitates effective decision-making providing critical indicators to your talent acquisition process, increasing productivity by funneling candidates through your pipeline quickly, minimizing diversity target fluctuations, and increasing the intake of suitable candidates.

How important is it for your organization to hire the right new entrant? Hiring the wrong candidate has numerous adverse effects on team morale, managing its diversity goals, and recruiting efficiencies. 

Communication in multinational corporations with a global workforce is essential. Communication is a skill that involves a continuous process of speaking, listening, and understanding. As such, FIT looks beyond technical skill and personality traits by assessing participants’ language levels to ensure they can communicate, listen, understand detailed directions, and communicate effectively with a global team. Since English is spoken in almost all countries, it helps to know your new hire’s English level. Having this knowledge will help identify language barriers that need to be overcome before deployment.

Bringing new entrant candidates to an organization does not need to be a big gamble for companies.  The biggest challenge is determining if the candidate is a good fit for the role.  Recruiters and hiring managers need to look beyond the resumes and look at the personality they bring on board and the technical and communications skill.  Let’s face it, a lot of candidates can look great on paper, but do they have the right stuff to stick through the demands of a new career? This is where FIT comes in. We can assess each candidate based on the job technical and personality requirements.  Each test is specifically designed for the role, ensuring the appropriate fit.

FIT ability to assess thousands of candidate personality, skills, and language levels all in one platform is unique enough.  When combined with its unique algorithm to help identify the best candidates based on role requirements and its visual cues during the workflow, it is powerful and essential for your talent acquisition initiative—finding that needle in a haystack has never been so easy.

Teymur Gurbanov, SPT Director and FIT user, explains: FIT ability to provide us with the candidate’s language level is essential to our hiring managers. As SPT provides a workforce to multinational corporations, understanding if new hires have a language barrier is critical before placing them into a project team.  Knowing beforehand allows us to take corrective measures by providing remediation before deployment, thus ensuring proper communication within our client’s organization at all levels.

FIT is a dynamic, flexible tool that allows the HR professional to determine proficiency in the language, skill, and insights into specific personality traits suitable to particular functions. This system was designed to provide your talent acquisition team with an out-of-the-box tool to increase your team’s performance and accuracy. FIT’s talent acquisition and talent management solutions are specially designed to work with your team.

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FIT’s (Fit-in-Test) Talent Acquisition and Talent Management Solutions are specially designed to work with your team. Using our proven Learning Management System (LMS) for onboarding and new hire training, test customization that curates curricula to your organization’s essential talent question strategy, and FIT’s robust talent acquisition engine, FIT easily integrates into your organization. In conjunction with our robust data reporting tools, FIT can create, launch, and manage an unparalleled hiring solution for your team.

FIT combines all our performance hiring tools to provide you with a best-in-class workflow to fit your retention strategy. Contact us now for a free consultation today!

Visit the FIT site to learn more.  If you’re interested in learning more about FIT and Talent acquisition, download this free infographic

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