Module Name: Announcements
Pressure Measurement (AFM01)
No modules available in this section.
Flow Measurement (AFM02)
This lesson describes the properties of fluids that are a factor in the
measurement of their flow. In addition, the lesson explains how
differential pressure measurements can be used to determine flow rate.
Various types of flow measurement devices and their principles of
operation are also discussed.
Module Name: Flow Measurement_IP2
Temperature Measurement (AFM03)
This lesson presents the basic principles of temperature measurement and
the application of temperature measuring instruments. Various
temperature-measuring instruments are discussed including thermometers,
pyrometers, thermocouples, resistance temperature detectors, and
Module Name: Temperature Measurement
Level Measurement (AFM04)
This lesson describes the fundamentals of level measurement and the
sensors employed. Applications for both direct and indirect level
measurement are covered including float-type devices, hydrostatic head
and differential pressure measurements, as well as electrical,
ultrasonic, and radiation instruments.
Module Name: Level Measurement
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